100 Science Quiz Questions With Answers

100 Science Quiz Questions With Answers

Hi dear friends! Today, we will provide 100 science quiz questions with answers. This comprehensive quiz covers topics from various branches of science including chemistry, physics, biology, and astronomy. Whether you’re a student preparing for a test, a teacher looking for classroom resources, or just a science enthusiast, these questions will challenge your knowledge and maybe even teach you something new. Each question is followed by the correct answer, allowing you to test yourself and instantly check your progress. So, let’s dive in and explore the fascinating world of science together with these thought-provoking questions.


100 Science Quiz Questions With Answers

Q.1 What is the chemical formula for table salt?


Q.2 Which planet in our solar system is known for having the most moons?


Q.3 Who is known as the father of modern physics?

Albert Einstein

Q.4 What is the powerhouse of the cell?


Q.5 What element does ‘O’ represent in the periodic table?


Q.6 Which gas is most abundant in Earth’s atmosphere?


Q.7 Who developed the theory of general relativity?

Albert Einstein

Q.8 What is the hardest natural substance on Earth?


Q.9 What is the primary function of the large intestine in the human body?

Water absorption

Q.10 Which chemical element has the symbol ‘Au’?


Q.11 What is the most common isotope of hydrogen?


Q.12 What is the name given to the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution?

The Bill of Rights

Q.13 Who formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation?

Sir Isaac Newton

Q.14 What is the speed of light in a vacuum?

Approximately 299,792 kilometers per second (km/s)

Q.15 What does DNA stand for?

Deoxyribonucleic Acid

Q.16 Which organism is considered the simplest form of life?


Q.17 What is the chemical symbol for potassium?


Q.18 Who is known for the law of gases which is named after him and relates pressure and volume at a constant temperature?

Robert Boyle

Q.19 What planet is known as the Red Planet?


Q.20 What is the main gas found in the exhaled air?

Carbon Dioxide

Q.21 In what organ of the human body is insulin produced?


Q.22 What is the most abundant mineral in the human body?


Q.23 Which planet in our solar system has the highest mountain?

Mars (Olympus Mons)

Q.24 What is the chemical formula for water?


Q.25 What is the pH level of pure water?

7 (neutral)

Q.26 What is the study of mushrooms called?


Q.27 Which element is known as the building block of life?


Q.28 Who invented the first practical telephone?

Alexander Graham Bell

Q.29 What organelle is responsible for photosynthesis in plants?


Q.30 What is the smallest unit of life?

The cell

Q.31 What is the chemical symbol for iron?


Q.32 Which planet is closest to the sun?


Q.33 What substance makes up the majority of Earth’s atmosphere?


Q.34 What is the term for animals that eat only plants?


Q.35 What is the process by which green plants make their food?


Q.36 Which scientist is known for his work on radioactivity and won two Nobel Prizes in different sciences?

Marie Curie

Q.37 What type of bond involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms?

Covalent bond

Q.38 What is the chemical formula for sulfuric acid?


Q.39 What gas do plants take in during photosynthesis?

Carbon Dioxide

Q.40 In physics, what is the term for the rate of change of velocity?


Q.41 What is the powerhouse of the cell?


Q.42 Which planet is known for its prominent ring system?


Q.43 What is the basic unit of heredity in living organisms?


Q.44 What is the most abundant gas in the Earth’s atmosphere?


Q.45 What is the chemical formula for methane?


Q.46 Who is known as the father of modern chemistry?

Antoine Lavoisier

Q.47 What is the most common type of star in the Milky Way galaxy?

Red dwarf

Q.48 What is the main organ involved in the human circulatory system?


Q.49 What is the fundamental force that causes objects to fall to the ground?


Q.50 What element has the atomic number 1?


Q.51 What type of electromagnetic radiation has the shortest wavelength?

Gamma rays

Q.52 What is the chemical symbol for sodium?


Q.53 How many bones are there in an adult human body?


Q.54 What type of organism does a bacteriophage infect?


Q.55 What is the term for a solution with a pH less than 7?


Q.56 Who proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system?

Nicolaus Copernicus

Q.57 What is the name of the process by which cells divide to form two identical daughter cells?


Q.58 What is the chemical symbol for lead?


Q.59 What are the particles that orbit the nucleus of an atom?


100 Science Quiz Questions With Answers

Q.60 What is the largest planet in our solar system?


Q.61 What is the process by which plants lose water vapor through their leaves?


Q.62 What element is diamond primarily composed of?


Q.63 What is the name of the protein that carries oxygen in the blood?


Q.64 What is the smallest particle of a chemical element that retains its chemical properties?


Q.65 What is the branch of science concerned with the study of matter and energy?


Q.66 What is the chemical symbol for mercury?


Q.67 What is the term for the amount of matter in an object?


Q.68 What is the process by which a liquid turns into a gas?


Q.69 What is the main gas produced by photosynthesis?


Q.70 What is the name of the first artificial satellite launched into space?


Q.71 What is the chemical formula for glucose?


Q.72 What is the largest organ in the human body?


Q.73 What is the study of the Earth’s physical structure and substance?


Q.74 What is the chemical symbol for zinc?


Q.75 Who discovered penicillin?

Alexander Fleming

Q.76 What is the distance light travels in one year called?


Q.77 What is the name of the galaxy that contains our solar system?

The Milky Way

Q.78 What is the most reactive group of elements in the periodic table?

Alkali metals

Q.79 What is the chemical symbol for copper?


Q.80 What is the primary pigment found in the chloroplasts of plants?


Q.81 What is the term for the energy possessed by an object due to its motion?

Kinetic energy

Q.82 What is the most abundant element in the universe?


Q.83 What is the chemical formula for carbon dioxide?


Q.84 What is the term for the change of state from a solid to a liquid?


Q.85 Who first proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection?

Charles Darwin

Q.86 What is the chemical symbol for silver?


Q.87 What is the name of the process by which plants convert sunlight into food?


Q.88 What is the term for the process by which a gas turns into a liquid?


Q.89 What is the basic unit of electric charge?


Q.90 Who is known as the father of modern astronomy?

Galileo Galilei

Q.91 What is the term for substances that speed up chemical reactions without being consumed?


Q.92 What is the chemical symbol for calcium?


Q.93 What is the process by which the nucleus of an atom splits into two or more smaller nuclei?

Nuclear fission

Q.94 What is the name of the force that opposes the motion of objects through the air?

Air resistance

Q.95 What is the chemical formula for ammonia?


Q.96 What is the term for the amount of space occupied by an object?


Q.97 Who developed the periodic table of elements?

Dmitri Mendeleev

Q.98 What is the chemical symbol for magnesium?


Q.99 What is the process by which water vapor changes into liquid water?


Q.100 What is the study of the interactions of living organisms with their environment?



Also Read : How Does Chemical Coordination Take Place in Animals?


Thanks for reading today’s post! Please share it with your friends and family to spread the joy of learning. We hope these science quiz questions have both challenged and enlightened you. Engaging with science trivia not only broadens your knowledge but also makes the learning process enjoyable and interactive. Stay curious and keep exploring the wonders of the natural world. If you have any questions or topics you’d like us to cover in future posts, feel free to leave a comment. Until next time, keep learning and stay inspired

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