A Thirsty Crow Completing Story

A Thirsty Crow Completing Story

Hi dear friends, Today we will share the story of a thirsty crow. This is an important story for exams. Once upon a time, there was a crow who was very thirsty. The crow searched for water everywhere. It flew over fields and forests. Finally, it saw a pot with a little water at the bottom. The crow tried to drink but could not reach the water.

A Thirsty Crow Completing Story For HSC

Once upon a time, in a dry and hot summer, a crow felt very thirsty. He flew across the land in search of water. Sadly, he found none. The sun was high in the sky and made him feel even more tired. The crow knew he had to find water soon.

After a long flight, the crow spotted a small pot below a tree. He felt hopeful and flew down to it. But when he looked inside the pot, he saw that there was only a little bit of water at the bottom. The crow tried to reach it with his beak, but it was too deep.

The clever crow did not lose hope. He looked around and saw some small stones lying nearby. An idea popped into his mind. He picked up a stone with his beak and dropped it into the pot. The water level rose a little. Excited, he continued to drop more stones into the pot. With each stone, the water level rose higher.

Finally, the water level was high enough for the crow to drink. He dipped his beak into the pot and drank the refreshing water. His thirst was gone, and he felt much better. The crow knew that with patience and cleverness, he had solved his problem.

The crow flew away, feeling happy and proud. He learned that even tough problems can be solved with a little creativity and effort.

And so, the crow’s story reminds us that where there’s a will, there’s a way.


A Thirsty Crow Completing Story For SSC

Once upon a time, in a hot and dry village, there lived a clever crow. One sunny day, the crow felt very thirsty. It flew around looking for water but could not find any. Every pond and stream was dry.

The crow was about to give up when it saw a small pitcher. It flew down and looked inside. There was some water at the bottom of the pitcher. But the crow’s beak could not reach it.

The clever crow thought hard. It noticed some small stones nearby. An idea came to its mind. The crow picked up one stone with its beak and dropped it into the pitcher. It heard a small splash. Then it picked up another stone and dropped it in. The water level rose a little.

The crow kept picking up stones and dropping them into the pitcher. Slowly but surely, the water level kept rising. After many stones, the water was high enough for the crow to drink. The crow drank the water happily.

The clever crow felt refreshed and flew away. It learned that with patience and clever thinking, it could solve any problem.

And so, the crow lived happily, always remembering the lesson it learned that hot and sunny day.


Where There is Will There is Way Completing Story For Class 6 7 8 9

Once upon a time, there was a crow who was very thirsty. It was a hot day, and the sun was shining brightly. The crow flew around looking for water but found nothing. He started to feel tired and weak.

Just when he was about to give up, he saw a jug of water under a tree. The crow flew down to the jug, but there was only a little water at the bottom. He tried to reach the water with his beak but couldn’t get to it. The crow thought hard about what to do.

Then, he had an idea. He looked around and saw some small pebbles on the ground. He picked up a pebble in his beak and dropped it into the jug. The water level rose a bit. The crow was happy and kept dropping more pebbles into the jug. Slowly, the water level kept rising.

After many tries, the water level was high enough. The crow was able to drink the water. He drank until he was no longer thirsty. The crow felt refreshed and flew away happily.

The crow learned an important lesson. With a little thought and effort, you can solve any problem.

Lesson Learned from the Story

The story of “The Thirsty Crow” offers several valuable lessons that are applicable to our daily lives. Firstly, it demonstrates the importance of perseverance. The crow did not give up even when the situation seemed hopeless; instead, he continued to search for a solution to his problem. Secondly, it highlights the power of creativity and critical thinking. When faced with a challenge, the crow used his ingenuity to come up with a practical solution by using the pebbles to raise the water level. Lastly, the story teaches us that with patience and effort, we can overcome obstacles, no matter how difficult they might seem. The crow’s experience is a reminder that problem-solving often requires looking at things from a different perspective and employing innovative strategies.



Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the main moral of “The Thirsty Crow” story?

The primary moral of the story is perseverance and the importance of not giving up, even when situations seem challenging. It also emphasizes the value of creativity and critical thinking in problem-solving.

2. How did the crow solve his problem of reaching the water?

The crow solved his problem by using pebbles to raise the water level in the jug. By dropping small pebbles into the jug, he was able to make the water rise high enough to drink.

3. Why is the crow’s solution an example of critical thinking?

The crow’s solution is an example of critical thinking because he assessed the situation, identified the problem, and thought creatively to come up with an effective and practical solution using the resources available to him.

4. What can we learn about patience from this story?

The story teaches that patience is essential in overcoming obstacles. The crow did not achieve his goal immediately; it took time and repeated effort to raise the water level high enough to drink.

5. Can the lesson of the crow’s ingenuity be applied in real life? How?

Yes, the lesson of the crow’s ingenuity can be applied in real life. It teaches that when faced with difficulties, thinking outside the box and using the resources at hand creatively can help in finding solutions to problems that initially seem insurmountable.

Thanks for reading today’s post! Please share our story with friends and family, as we believe everyone can learn from this classic tale. The clever crow, after much thought, realized that it could drop pebbles into the pot to raise the water level. Determined, the crow collected small stones and dropped them into the pot one by one. Slowly but surely, the water level rose until it was high enough for the crow to drink. This story teaches us the importance of persistence and ingenuity in overcoming challenges. No matter how difficult a situation might seem, there’s always a solution if you keep trying and think creatively. We hope you found inspiration in the crow’s journey and remember that with effort and determination, you can achieve your goals. Stay tuned for more interesting stories and valuable lessons in our future posts!


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